Infection Control Nurse

Infection Control Nurse

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How To Prepare Infection Control Procedures

If you are looking for some information and resources on how to prepare infection control procedures, this 363 page document focuses on hospital-based healthcare facilities: There is also this 154 page document which focuses more on general practices, office and community-based health care facilities rather than hospitals, keeping in mind that you can’t write

Prevent Infection

Important Facts About Infection and Infectious Diseases

In this article, we are going to review important facts you need to know about infection and infectious diseases. Infections are spread in 3 ways (contact, droplet, airborne). Knowing how an infection spreads means that you can try to PREVENT the spread; you just need to follow the personal protective equipment and hand hygiene guidelines

Hand Sanitiser

What Is A Viral Infection?

An infection happens when microorganisms (tiny organisms also known as germs) which are not normally present in the body, invade the body and multiply inside.  There are different types of microorganisms called viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi.  A viral infection is an infection caused by the virus microorganism type. Common viral infections include the common

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How To Prepare Infection Control Procedures

If you are looking for some information and resources on how to prepare infection control procedures, this 363 page document focuses on hospital-based healthcare facilities: There is also this 154 page document which focuses more on general practices, office and community-based health care facilities rather than hospitals, keeping in mind that you can’t write

Prevent Infection

Important Facts About Infection and Infectious Diseases

In this article, we are going to review important facts you need to know about infection and infectious diseases. Infections are spread in 3 ways (contact, droplet, airborne). Knowing how an infection spreads means that you can try to PREVENT the spread; you just need to follow the personal protective equipment and hand hygiene guidelines

Hand Sanitiser

What Is A Viral Infection?

An infection happens when microorganisms (tiny organisms also known as germs) which are not normally present in the body, invade the body and multiply inside.  There are different types of microorganisms called viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi.  A viral infection is an infection caused by the virus microorganism type. Common viral infections include the common

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